ow A Financial Advisor Could Help Restructure Debt
Jeff Breault has done some research on personal debt and how Americans struggle with it. The average American has around $38,000 in personal debt. The bulk of these debts are composed of credit card debt and other high-interest loans. These debts have an adverse impact on individuals’ ability to take on new loans to pay for houses and other necessities, and Jeff Breault suggests hiring a financial advisor to get back into good financial shape. According to Jeff Breault, a financial advisor would look at the nature of the debt first, then consider options for restructuring the debt in a way that is less painful for the client. For example, the client might have high-interest loans that makeup the bulk of monthly payments. The advisor might suggest him to take out a second mortgage on his house and use the proceeds to pay off loans and credit card bills in full. The second mortgage would have a lower interest rate compared to the credit card bills and would have lower payment terms. Th...